
Shiatsu is a Japanese word, it means finger pressure. It is also called pressure point massage. Shiatsu uses knowledge from Traditional Chinese Medicine about health and illness and about the functioning of the various pressure points and pathways on the body. Each shiatsu treatment is tailor-made. The approach of the treatment depends on what a person needs at that moment.

Shiatsu is an amazing experience. It benefits body, mind and spirit.


Shiatsu for stress-related complaints

When you live under high pressure, complaints often arise such as restlessness, sleeplessness, fatigue, back, neck and shoulder complaints, headaches, digestive issues and emotional disbalances. If the pressure persists, you can develop burnout or illness.

Shiatsu relaxes and it encourages the body to heal itself. As a result, you sleep better, you have more peace of mind and have a better awareness of what you need. Physical complaints improve and your resilience increases. You notice a difference straight away.

Shiatsu for prevention

Even if you don’t have any complaints (anymore), but do live under pressure, it can be helpful to schedule a regular treatment. Many people come every month or every other week for a period. This gives you a reset every time and prevents the tension from rising too high. If you’re highly sensitive, you can prevent overwhelm with the help of shiatsu.

Shiatsu for more (body) awareness

Shiatsu makes you more aware of a wide range of bodily sensations. This not only enriches your life, but also boosts your personal development. For example, it helps you feel what you need and make healthy choices in your life. Your body is constantly sending out signals that are not all being picked up. We sometimes only become aware that something is going on when we are in pain, or when we are hindered in our functioning. By then we have probably missed many subtle signals that came beforehand. Shiatsu teaches you to listen better to your body.

Shiatsu for trauma

Trauma is often reflected in the body as areas where tension is stuck and separated from the whole. It can feel cramped or numb and absent. Shiatsu has various ways of making these areas palpable, giving support and inviting them to participate again so that the tension that has been trapped in can be gradually integrated into the whole. This always happens in a way that feels and is safe for you. You are in charge, indicating what is needed and setting the limit.

Shiatsu for chronic conditions

Shiatsu relieves chronic complaints and conditions. These can be illnesses such as Parkinson’s and MS, but also chronic pain or disability after an accident or illness. Shiatsu can also help with persistent complaints without a medically demonstrable cause.

Shiatsu as a complementary therapy to medical treatment

Shiatsu is very suitable as supportive therapy in a medical treatment programme. It supports self-healing and brings a positive body experience. Patients experience a sense of wholeness during and after treatment that they had lost as a result of illness and/or medical interventions. This gives confidence and has a beneficial effect on healing. In addition, shiatsu can also improve the condition of an affected area or damaged structure.

Shiatsu as support for psychotherapeutic treatment

Shiatsu helps you feel safe. It calms the nervous system and brings peace of mind. In a relatively short time, shiatsu puts you in a completely different state of mind in which you can view situations with more perspective. Conditions of the mind have a physical component and vice versa. Thus body-oriented therapy and psycho- or haptotherapy can support and reinforce eachothe

This is what you can expect

After a conversation in which your complaints, wishes and expectations are discussed, I feel your abdomen and/or pulse to arrive at a diagnosis. Then the treatment begins.

With attentive finger pressure, stretching and mobilisation the body is brought into a state of relaxation. The pressure is usually gentle, but has more impact and is felt more deeply than you can see from the outside. The nervous system calms down. Parts of the body that are inactive are activated and integrated, overactive parts come to rest. There is suppleness in movement and a more total body feeling. The body and mind relax completely and enter a state of recovery.


Shiatsu takes place on a futon on the floor and you are clothed during the treatment. Wide or stretchy clothes made of cotton or another natural material are best. It is nice if the clothes are clean and warm enough. When you relax, your body cools down.

Don’t eat a heavy meal beforehand and be moderate with coffee.

Finally, keep in mind that shiatsu is at it’s best when you take time after the treatment to let the experience sink in. Organize your day so that you can give in to your needs of the moment. You may feel the need for peace and quiet around you. 

Are you interested and would you like to make an appointment? Click here to go to the contact page.