General Conditions



As a therapist and client, we require an agreement by law to enter into treatment. An agreement is concluded by order and acceptance. When you come for treatment, there is a treatment agreement and you agree to the conditions as described below.


As a treating therapist, I must act in accordance with the professional code of the professional association Shiatsu Association Netherlands (SVN) and legal regulations.


The rights and obligations of the client and therapist are laid down in, among other things, the Medical Treatment Contracts Act (WGBO) and the Care Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz).


In my practice I act in accordance with the guidelines for reporting domestic violence and child abuse.


I undertake to inform you as well and as clearly as possible at all stages of your treatment. As a client, you must provide me with all relevant information and cooperate that is reasonably necessary for proper treatment.


I am not allowed to perform certain treatments or treatments without your permission. In addition to the care provider’s duty to provide information: the focus will is on “jointly” making decisions about treatment with the patient / client.



Client file


I am obliged to keep a file with information about your health and the procedures performed by me. This file is kept for 20 years in accordance with the legal retention period (WBGO).


I maintain confidentiality with regard to information provided by you, which is stored in your file.


You have the right to inspect your file and to change, supplement or delete your data.


To record your data in a file and the purposes for which they are used, I ask for your explicit consent through the privacy statement. You have the right to withdraw previously issued consents.


If you want to exercise one of your rights, you must send an email to


Only you can submit a request for yourself. Requests from third parties will not be processed.


Handover and aftercare


I am obliged to refer you to a fellow therapist or doctor if my treatment is not appropriate and / or adequate.


Termination of treatment


Treatment can be terminated at any time by mutual consent.


If you no longer appreciate or consider it necessary to continue the treatment, you can terminate it at any time on your part. However, this does not release you from the financial obligation to pay for the treatment(s) received.


Treating minors


According to the patient rights from the WGBO, the following applies to minors:


For children up to 12 years, permission from parent (s) with authority / guardians is required. The child’s consent is not required, but the child is entitled to information.


For young people aged 12 to 16, the consent of the parent (s) with parental authority / guardians and of the young person himself / herself is required. If a child does not want the treatment, the treatment will be canceled.


Young people from the age of 16 make independent decisions and have an independent right to information. Parent(s) of minors up to 16 years of age have co-decision on the treatment.


Parent(s) have the right to information and access to the file, when this is linked to the right of codecision for the treatment.


Competent patients aged 12 and older are themselves authorized to give permission for a breach of confidentiality.


Prior to treating a minor, the form must first be signed by the parent (s) with parental authority / guardians and, if between the ages of 12 and 16, the young person themself.



Payment consultation


You agree to the rate of € 85 per consultation.


Payment is made at the end of the consultation to a bank account account, via a payment request or with cash.


Cancel or change appointment


You are obliged to cancel or change an appointment in time (at least 24 hours in advance).


If you do not show up at an appointment or cancel an appointment too late, the full cost of the reserved time will be charged. You will then receive an invoice that cannot be claimed from your health insurer.


In case of misunderstandings about the correct date or time, the appointment as stated on the appointment card or in the confirmation email will be decisive.


If I cannot meet my appointment with you due to circumstances, I will try to schedule a new appointment for you as soon as possible.



Complaint and your rights


If you have a complaint about me or your treatment, I hope that we can discuss it together. If you decide not to do this for certain reasons, you can contact the Complaints Contact of the Shiatsu Association Netherlands (SVN). You can find more about this in the SVN complaints procedure.


If it appears that it is not possible to use the SVN contact person to resolve the complaint, the SVN contact person will forward the complaint to the independent disputes committee at the Foundation for Complementary and Alternative Healthcare (SCAG).


As a therapist I fall under the Wkkgz right of complaint at the SCAG. SCAG is a state-recognised and fully independent Wkkgz disputes committee. You will then receive free guidance from an independent complaints officer who supports you in formulating your complaint and in finding a solution.


If all the foregoing has not provided a solution and there is clearly a disciplinary complaint, you can submit your complaint to the Disciplinary Complementary Care Foundation (TCZ). The TCZ monitors the quality of the professional practice within complementary care. There is a right of inspection for next of kin.